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키토그로 (500ml) 키토산+목초액+칼슘+아미노산
  • Current price

    0₩  (0.00$) ( 0 bids)

    Start price 11,500 ₩  (8.18$)
    Period 2017-07-21 17:38 ~ 2017-07-27 18:00
    Shipping fee This product cannot be shipped overseas
No one participated in the auction.

* If the first-ranked bidder does not purchase this product, the second-ranked bidder will also be given the opportunity to purchase.

* The bid cancel button will only appear within 10 minutes after bidding. (It can not be canceled within 1 hour of the deadline.)

* You can cancel a bid three times a day.

Number ID Price of bid Time of bid
No bidders
Info bid
If purchases are not made three times after winning, participation in the auction will be limited for 30 days.
○ ○ The winning product must be ordered and paid within 48 hours, otherwise it will be automatically handed over to the next bidder. However, if the bidding price differs by more than 10,000 won from the next bidder, the transfer will not be made.

○ Only members can bid, and you can bid up to 30 items on auction.
○ Only the final successful bidder will see the "Purchase" button.
○ If someone else cannot bid due to server/network failure or other errors, the auction may be re-auctioned even if the bid is successful.
○ If you pre-bid favorite product, you can get a notification message 20 minutes before the auction is over.

○ The minimum bidding unit for each amount unit is as follows.
Less than 50,000 won -> minimum bid unit 500 won
50,000 won ~ 100,000 won -> minimum bid unit 1000 won
More than 100,000 won -> minimum bid unit 5000 won

Tip) If anyone bid within 2 minutes of the deadline,
2 minutes will be automatically extended, so please think carefully before you bid.
The picture of the auction product will disappear automatically 48 hours after winning the bid.
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Register date : 2017-07-21 17:38:07

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